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Lily Cavanna has things to say. Quirky, funny, ironic, sometimes dark anecdotes, ones that make people think  and sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable. Lily enjoys provoking the audience but only to make them reflect and  laugh. By sharing scenarios of peculiar nature, her goal is to stimulate people’s mind, inspire and entertain. 

Lily is an author who migrated to writing after the pandemic had forced her to drop the mic and pour her  contemporary, crazy yet relatable material into crafting short stories. It did not take long for the ex-comedian to  find a new creative outlet that allows her to transmit raw ideas and polish them by putting ordinary topics into  odd perspectives. 

Her inspiration comes from her own life as well as the many books she read, not to mention the dramas and  comedies she consumed during the lockdowns. Writing is where Lily feels most comfortable at, along with the  cozy London-flat she shares with the love of her life: her sister. She also has many artistic characters in her life who Ms Cavanna has been asking for regular feedback to be able to take her craft to  the next level.  

The young, aspirational writer is currently working on several short stories as well as a novel — all of them  combining elements of drama and comedy, exploring everyday topics that most readers can identify with and  will definitely laugh out loud at.  

And what else would they need right now, other than truth and humour.

©andisie 2021

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short stories

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The Bat in The Fridge

Lily is currently working on a selection of short stories with the working title The Bat in The Fridge. These are narratives about the oddities of everyday life, with themes of obsession, isolation, heartbreak and falling in love.

Lily writes these from her bedroom in south London and is hoping to publish them into a book one day.

You can sample these stories here


"follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly"

franz kafka

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